Destroying Small youtubers

xZenx xGamingx

Well-Known Member
Hey you guys, recently I have come across videos on Youtube where ''small'' Youtubers with a subscriber count along the range of 50k and below are easily having their videos flagged and removed due to haters/enemies made from doing-(Diss tracks/Parodies/footage of a reaction from another youtuber etc.) I would love to hear your opinion on this topic you guys so that we can all help one another should any of us ever fall into this situation and how we can prevent this from happening to anyone of us.

P.S if a thread like this has been made, I apologize if I did not notice. :whistling2:
...having their videos flagged and removed due to haters/enemies made from doing-(Diss tracks/Parodies/footage of a reaction from another youtuber etc.)

Everything you listed (that I put in bold) are extremely grey areas in copyright. If any YouTube channel (big or small) does any of the above there's a decent chance they could receive a take down notice.
In the past 2 years, there have been a large influx of these new "reaction/parody" channels and I guess YouTube has finally decided to do something about them. I think it's not normal how everyone is making borderline abusive videos about everyone, and then spout some nonsense about fair use and how their videos should be protected. Freedom of speech? YouTube is a private company and they can impose their own rules however they want to. It's actually a miracle that they acknowledged fair use in their guidelines. If you want to stay protected, I would suggest to lawyer up and be ready to set an example.

Imho, laziness has overtaken YouTube. Start making your own unique content instead of "borrowing" videos from someone else. If you do borrow then be prepared for the consequences.