Demi vs Ariana vs Lea vs Tiffany


I Love YTtalk
So, I decided to do this video for fun. I picked four young female artists that happened to be modern day sopranos. Each of them have pretty powerful upper belts, so I decided to put them against one another.

My personal list is:

F5 - Ariana and Demi won this one. Ariana's were really resonant suprisingly, so she's leading Demi
F#5 - Tiffany and Lea TIE, Demi + Ariana tied for this one, If anything, Demi is ahead of Ariana by a little bit
G5 - Tiffany again Lol, Demi, then Lea, then Ariana (sorry Ariana, I still love you)
G#5 - TIFFANY AGAIN! Then Demi, Ariana and Lea tie for this one
A5 - LEA..HALLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, haha, Then Tiffany, Demi, Ariana(her voice is soooo light, she needs to mix better)

But you can choose which ever one you want!
Tagging @Stef