Gaming Ded Collab Project


Active Member
Hello, I am working on a New Project Known as Ded Collab.
This project is a work in progress and is Intended to Get Youtubers and Fans to meet and collab.
It is a Simple project, where a concept is created and a script is made that speaks to a direct market.
Multiple people read these scripts and compile them into a video, that video is then hosted by the selected party and gives credit to everyone involved.
I have tested this method a few times with success, a top 10 video with 10 voice actors working in tandem created for a unique outlook and opinion, also sourced a fair amount of views for all parties.

By creating a document and have it set to view able and editable you can share that link and collaborate on the scripts by typing together and working together so jokes pair up well.

Or if you are even in different time zones you are able to work through the time differences with on hand checks and notifications when the document is altered.

All in all, i am looking to work with a Group of 5 People, 5 Times on 5 different videos, each party will then host the content at the same time, and link to one another in a big circle allowing everyone to have unique content and grow together.

Here is a Model for a Ded Collab Video.
1. Contact a group of people, and get the project going, can work from 3 people, to 20 people (more people means more work)
2. Find Fans, getting a fan involved or multiple fans involved is a fun way to give outside people a chance to be heard, everyone loves to participate.
3. Get the Files, everyone needs to get the files, we found email, and media fire to be the fastest way.
4. Communicate, Group Emails get everyone attention and promise everyone will know what is happening, so you can set dates, upload dates, and everyone can see the files you or another have worked on.
5. Compile edit (Upload and schedule)
6. Enjoy the Experience of working with so many talented people.
7. Watch your new friends videos, after all the hard work, it is nice to see what you and everyone have created, being heard on all these different mediums is so unique, and to me this is the best way for a gamer to work with a vloger and scientist all at the same time.

So leave a comment, email me, or reply, find a group here that wants more people to work with, or for future project groups.

Thanks everyone.