DaVinci Resolve - Any workflow tips?



I've been using DaVinci Resolve to make my videos and I'm really enjoying it, but I feel like it's a bit slow, or rather, I'm slow.

I've got my own little workflow going on but I wonder if perhaps I'm doing it wrong or perhaps have some bad habits.
As it stands I usually import my clip, throw it into the inspector, cut out the bits I want and throw those into the main editor window.
Then I repeat that exact same process for my audio, which is recorded seperstely in audacity.

This means I spend time going through my audio file to find the bits that match the video and then syncing them up...which is fine but, am I doing it wrong? As far as I know there isn't a way to combine clips in the inspector and my video and audacity clip are 2 seperste files obviously.

Any tips/advice on using DaVinci Resolve effectively would be greatly appreciated.

I just throw in the clips completely and edit them with the "magnetic time line alternative" sorry don't remember the name but it's the second icon for cutting.

Works great that way.
In Final Cut Pro x I work the same way just throw everything on the time line and edit there.