Well-Known Member
So if you didn't know, Ariana Grande's new album comes out on Monday. I am planning a silly review sort of thing for the album and was wondering if anyone wanted to send me a video of themselves answering some really dumb but, fun questions. It would be a great opportunity for some cross-promotion as you would be included in the video and I would put your user and everything in the description and what not. That way we can grow our channels together but, If anyone is interested inbox me ( here or youtube would be ok) and i would send you more information
So if you didn't know, Ariana Grande's new album comes out on Monday. I am planning a silly review sort of thing for the album and was wondering if anyone wanted to send me a video of themselves answering some really dumb but, fun questions. It would be a great opportunity for some cross-promotion as you would be included in the video and I would put your user and everything in the description and what not. That way we can grow our channels together but, If anyone is interested inbox me ( here or youtube would be ok) and i would send you more information