creator x !!


hey guys i would love to hear about Creator X growth ? fill me in how are things going ? seen you guys haven't been to active here anymore so thought i would see how things are going :D
I wonder if I can ask my partner manager to move me from tiny galaxy to creator x :) CX sounds good too (even though its a fullscreen sub network) lol:)
But why ? Creator X is for the vloggers. As I know you don't wanna show your face or voice.

creator x is for all creator content XD. When i joined thius forum people use to tell me i wouldn't make it into fullscreen because im not a vlogger XD but then i did and was like sweetttttttt
I wonder if I can ask my partner manager to move me from tiny galaxy to creator x :) CX sounds good too (even though its a fullscreen sub network) lol:)
Why would you move from tiny galaxy to creator x, that doesn't even make sense. Tiny Galaxy has a hub channel, creator x has nothing. More likely, someone in creator x becomes part of another subnetwork that actually has a hub channel and other stuff.

On second thought, I noticed Creator X finally updated their channel with some stuff but you should still stay in tiny galaxy.