Creator X won't reply?

They are really busy but twittering them about your application usually helps.
When I first applied, I waited 2 weeks and they never responded. Then I twittered them and they respond fairly quickly on twitter (within a day or less) and said they will look into it and they responded to my application the next day or the following day, can't remember. If you get accepted, they tell you to confirm your age. I said I was over 18 and they didn't email me back again for a week so I twittered them again and got the contract in like 2 days after tweeting them.

In other words tweet them and make sure you mention your channel name and how long you waited (over 7 business days).

twitter: CreatorXNetwork
Definitely Tweet them about it. They are actually very friendly and for sure are willing to help and work things out with you quickly.
They are really busy but twittering them about your application usually helps.
When I first applied, I waited 2 weeks and they never responded. Then I twittered them and they respond fairly quickly on twitter (within a day or less) and said they will look into it and they responded to my application the next day or the following day, can't remember. If you get accepted, they tell you to confirm your age. They didn't email me back again for a week so I twittered them again and got the contract in like 2 days after tweeting them.

In other words tweet them and make sure you mention your channel name and how long you waited (over 7 business days).

twitter: CreatorXNetwork
Thanks so much! This should be helpful! :)