Creator X experience


Loving YTtalk
So hello! :D
For some reason i have actually been accepted in Creator X!
And this is one of the networks i have always had in mind, because it seems nice XD
But my question is...are they really nice?
Haha if someone is partnered with them, can you please tell me how the experience has been so far?
Thanks :D
I've found them to a pretty nice partner network. They respond to emails really fast, constantly on social media sites and will reply within a day, re-tweeting partner videos and sharing videos they like.

Same with the Fullscreen forums, even though they are just lots of spam, Creator X post there with tips and threads to help partners share things, which I don't hear many other networks doing often.

Can't fault them yet :p
They are indeed an extremely friendly network, full of people that are willing to help and assist.

Their twitter is a great example of them using social media well!