Could you review the trailer effects?

Aidan Cox

I'm trying to get more into special effects and put most of the skills I have learnt on YouTube in my trailer. So was just wondering if you guys could suggest ways I improve on it etc. Thanks :)
As for the effects, it's cool. Nothing that I can do haha. Good job.
As for the video, I don't understand lol. I know you are talking about how weird dubstep music videos are but I just don't understand the video lol.
The editing is pretty cool, but for a trailer its a bit too long. Also doesn't get the point of your channel across to the viewer.....

And........sorry if I'm being picky.......but your glasses look like they are sitting at an angle throughout the video - ie. not straight on your face - or was it supposed to be like that?
The editing is pretty cool, but for a trailer its a bit too long. Also doesn't get the point of your channel across to the viewer.....

And........sorry if I'm being picky.......but your glasses look like they are sitting at an angle throughout the video - ie. not straight on your face - or was it supposed to be like that?

To be honest we made it with for a laugh with the intention of showing we make stupid videos for a cheap gag, nothing too special
To be honest we made it with for a laugh with the intention of showing we make stupid videos for a cheap gag, nothing too special

Could you edit it and make it a little shorter - say around the 1 min mark - you want to capture the audience with enough to get them to browse you channel further and subscribe, but not too much for them to get bored etc.

Just my opinion ;)
I do like you editing in it though, which editing program did you use?
I might jumble something together to make a proper dedicated trailer and I see where your coming from it would make sense. I used a mixture of after effects and Serif MoviePlus (just a cheap cutting editor) and I have no idea how to fully use after effects