Could vlogs work on a tech channel?


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I've been watching vlogs for a while now, as well as a ridiculous amount of videos explaining how to vlog. I'm interested in testing out the vlogging waters, but I definitely don't want to start a new channel. I have a very small audience at the moment, so I don't feel there would be too much consequence in switching up the content a little. I would still post my normal tech-focused videos. Also, VEDA (Vlog Every Day in August) is coming up, and it seems like a good opportunity to start vlogging, but something tells me my subscribers may not like going from 2 videos per week with me not in them, to seeing me every day for a whole month.

What do you think? Do you have any experience with switching up the style of your videos? How did it go?
Honestly, you could try it out. I don't really like nailing my channel to one specific subject, it really limits what I can and can't do. You can give it a go, see how it goes and how your audience responds to it.
A technology vlog could be very interesting for tech people. You'll need to find your audience and appeal to them, but once that's done you should be golden :)
Echoing others, yes, it can work. As someone who watches "tech vlogs", the only suggestion I'd make is be sure to have some sort of distinct personality. We can find the news anywhere, but it's your perspective and creativity that draws people in to want to hear what *you* have to say about it.