Could someone cut out this face from a picture please

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I Love YTtalk

This is going on one of my custom thumbnails and I just need the face cut out. I would do it myself but it looks like dirt if I do it. Please make the background transparent too please :D
Ye, I had the wrong one, I kinda needed both but thought I could do troll on my own. Thanks for both thought guys, I will subscribe to you both and if you are interested in YT points I will send you some if you wish.
thanks a lot man. Really helps a lot. If you could do this final image for me I will do anything. I have subscribed, I could watch al your videos and like my favorite. I could pay you YT points if interested, anything. Please could you do the last one :)


Don't ask :L I needed a guy with a knife and this was the best image I could find.
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