Content ID HELP


Hi guys,

I uploaded a Call Of Duty Ghost Trailer analysis and I received a content ID claim.

I can no longer upload in HD longer than 15 minutes which is a pain since i do LPs. I have disputed the claim but I was wonder if I could just delete the video and my copyright status would be back to normal.

Also YT is really messed up with this, I see people (Big YTers) who upload raw trailers and do not do anything and nothing happens. Why is this?

Thanks in advance,

Well sorry but what did you expect?...
You uploaded someone else`s video...

Big YouTubers often get asked, because they can get the video out there..
First rule of YouTube. Do not upload trailers. Second rule of YouTube, YOU DO NOT UPLOAD TRAILERS!

Edit: Well known YouTubers most likely got the permission from the developer to upload the raw trailers for a marketing purpose. Hence why they can do it.
Hi guys,

I uploaded a Call Of Duty Ghost Trailer analysis and I received a content ID claim.

I can no longer upload in HD longer than 15 minutes which is a pain since i do LPs. I have disputed the claim but I was wonder if I could just delete the video and my copyright status would be back to normal.

Also YT is really messed up with this, I see people (Big YTers) who upload raw trailers and do not do anything and nothing happens. Why is this?

Thanks in advance,


Yeah, and you might see me driving my father's Porsche, that doesn't mean everyone is allowed to drive it...
Hi guys,

I uploaded a Call Of Duty Ghost Trailer analysis and I received a content ID claim.

I can no longer upload in HD longer than 15 minutes which is a pain since i do LPs. I have disputed the claim but I was wonder if I could just delete the video and my copyright status would be back to normal.

Also YT is really messed up with this, I see people (Big YTers) who upload raw trailers and do not do anything and nothing happens. Why is this?

Thanks in advance,


Yeah, big youtubers get asked to distribute stuff or they have licenses with the big production companies so that they can show trailers.