Constructive criticism please!!

Noah Smith

How can i make my videos better, are they good or bad? What can i do to increase my channels popularity?!!
Please give my any form of advice you can!
There isn't really anything that would attract anyone here. There are so many Call of Duty YouTubers of this style that no-one is going to be interested. Your video titles (some of which have spelling mistakes) and thumbnails aren't going to attract anyone either. If you got a better microphone, this sort of thing would be more suited to twitch streams.

If you stick at YouTube, making custom thumbnails would be a good start. You can use the free software Paint.NET to help you. You may also want to develop some kind of unique selling point if you stick to call of duty because there's so many and competing against them is hard.

Sorry i can't offer anything else but I hope what I said helps in some way.