Roux Harbour

Super Poster
I was so pleased with how fun the last confessions collab was, and how great it turned out.
That I want to make another one! ^^
Just send in a Clip of yourself, confessing something.
And I'll edit all the clips into a video collage CONFESSIONS part 2 ^^

Hope Many have something to confess, and that this one will be as fun as the last ^^
Love these Collabs, so fun working with you guys! ^^

Send in to: rouxharbour@gmail.com

Love Roux
Channel Roux Harbour <3
This sounds really fun. Are there any guidelines as to what we should(n't) confess?
If you go to the previous Youtuber CONFESSIONS (it's on my channel :) )
You can see the type of confessions already made, if you want? ;)
There's no limitations though, as to what you can confess; it's entirely up to you! ^^

Love Roux
Channel Roux Harbour:bounce: