Competition (youtube tips)


Loving YTtalk
I've been reading a lot of great threads recently on ways to improve your content and grow your channel. One method I found to be effective for me is competition. It's a great motivator for people who hate to lose.
I originally got partnered around the same time that a lot of my friends did and as a result, I would constantly check out their channels to watch their videos and creep on their progress.
Observing the things that they did exceptionally well and constantly trying to keep my channel in check.

The Gap began to widen with a few of them (5,000+Subs) and I realized that my content isn't where it should be and I had to make huge changes in order to move forward. Anyways...competition made me look more critically at my quality and at myself as an entertainer. I'de suggest finding someone who makes videos similar to you and making sure you don't fall behind. Competition brings out the pressure to succeed. I hope this helps a little..
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Yup this works great after all we all want to be the best right :). Speaking of wich you got a lot of subs on your channel! care to share a few tips for a beginner like me?
An important tip I can give is to only upload stuff you have fun making. Don't force yourself to make something that you're not interested in.