Voice of Vanessa
Dimple-Smiles <3
Hey everyone, if you're reading this...Thanks for clicking this thread!
VoiceOfVanessa now has a WebSite! Just type it in your address bar "VoiceofVanessa.com"
I'm really excited about it and I want others to know that I'm serious about my YouTube and willing to put a lot of work into it.
This site has
THANKS FOR READING IF YOU GOT THIS FAR. <3 I hope your day is going well..! Cya around the forum!
VoiceOfVanessa now has a WebSite! Just type it in your address bar "VoiceofVanessa.com"
I'm really excited about it and I want others to know that I'm serious about my YouTube and willing to put a lot of work into it.
This site has
- News and Updates about myself & my channel
- Youtubers Spotlight
- Tips & Advice about Vlogging
- Graphic Design Shop (Youtube BG's, Cartoon Portraits)
- VOV Merchandise
- Ask Vanessa (Post questions you would like to ask and get featured in a video)
THANKS FOR READING IF YOU GOT THIS FAR. <3 I hope your day is going well..! Cya around the forum!