Come Visit My Website Pwease?

Voice of Vanessa

Dimple-Smiles <3
Hey everyone, if you're reading this...Thanks for clicking this thread!

VoiceOfVanessa now has a WebSite! Just type it in your address bar ""
I'm really excited about it and I want others to know that I'm serious about my YouTube and willing to put a lot of work into it. :)

This site has
  • News and Updates about myself & my channel
  • Youtubers Spotlight
  • Tips & Advice about Vlogging
  • Graphic Design Shop (Youtube BG's, Cartoon Portraits)
  • VOV Merchandise
  • Ask Vanessa (Post questions you would like to ask and get featured in a video)
and much more! The site is currently still going under changes but all of the things listed above are up and running! The web host is (incase you wanna make your own site) If you have any questions or you would like some help designing your site..I would assist ya as much as I can. :)
THANKS FOR READING IF YOU GOT THIS FAR. <3 I hope your day is going well..! Cya around the forum!
So professional looking the website is! Awesome looking designs as well. You are extremely talented that's for sure. I wish I had just a shred of that artistic talent...I always wanted to draw.

This means a lot Ray! (I'm tempted to call you Ray-Ray xD) It took some years of practice...I guess it helps that I'm left handed...I dunno they say it makes us artistic or something. I'm sure you can might have to trace some things to get better haha! Thanks again Ray ^_^
Hey everyone, if you're reading this...Thanks for clicking this thread!

VoiceOfVanessa now has a WebSite! Just type it in your address bar ""
I'm really excited about it and I want others to know that I'm serious about my YouTube and willing to put a lot of work into it. :)

This site has
  • News and Updates about myself & my channel
  • Youtubers Spotlight
  • Tips & Advice about Vlogging
  • Graphic Design Shop (Youtube BG's, Cartoon Portraits)
  • VOV Merchandise
  • Ask Vanessa (Post questions you would like to ask and get featured in a video)
and much more! The site is currently still going under changes but all of the things listed above are up and running! The web host is (incase you wanna make your own site) If you have any questions or you would like some help designing your site..I would assist ya as much as I can. :)

THANKS FOR READING IF YOU GOT THIS FAR. <3 I hope your day is going well..! Cya around the forum!
Nice, I will check it out!