Vlog Collab with as many as want to around the world. Ongoing

Mom Jessica

Active Member
I am looking for as many people as necessary and on going. I am looking to try to help as many people as I can by making care packages for thoes in need. The videos can be you making the packages, or giving them. I will then play the videos on my page, and you can do yours as well. I feel we need to help thoes who need it and what better way to go world wide than to use the Internet.
Who's with me? My video will be up later today. Along with a video explaining it in my channel.
it is a good idea to collaborate but i didn't get your point about playing my videos on your YouTube page. Do you mean that you will upload my videos on your page or you just view them. i.e.( view4view ) ?
This is my first time doing this. I was thinking of having a Playlist on my channel of everyone who is helping out. I am also open to suggestions.
aha i see what you mean.. it is a good idea if that helpful
playing videos in playlist means more traffic used in youtube website but we actually don't know how they calculate earnings and based on what ?
if playlist is counted in the earnings formula then we can collab but how can know? maybe we just start a trial and error test and will see the earning results :D
I just tested it out and I can add your video to a Playlist on your channel from my channel. I am going to make a video with a shout out as well. So, you post your video to your channel. And we go from there.