Other Collab for N00bTubers - US Only - Do not care what your channel is about, this is community.


Collab for N00bTubers - US Only - Do not care what your channel is about, this is community.

Now let's break out basic rules/structure:

N00bTubers ( preferred that you are at less than 1k because it seems that once people become monetized, the become a bit snobbish about who they let in... and RIGHTFULLY SO)
N00bTuber (also means AT LEAST 100 SUBS because you do not have a channel name until then)
Number of Vids - gotta have at least 10 out there already that have been posted on a weekly basis (shows diligence and consistency) Otherwise, you have a lot of other things to learn first.
Number of Views - about 100 views per vid is good (we all have less and more in the N00b Sphere, so emphasis on the word "about"
Frequency - you must be doing at least a weekly push. This is important because if you have 10 vids over 2 years... then you are not Tubing, you are past time posting. When you go to the effort of doing weekly or more frequently then you have gotten out all of your Video Garbage and have found a format you like and a subject that works for you.

Subject of Content - It really shouldn't matter. I am sure we can actually make our platforms cross perform with each other in one way or another in order to get the sub and view share to actually be beneficial to both. :) If not... we can figure something else in this thread for other people.

LET ME KNOW... I am patient. :)
Yo I don't mind collabs but when your requesting consistent YT people you're aiming too high, people can't do what I do because everybody method is different. And sometimes i take a week off. People got lives and chasing a dream with no money is not always the best idea. So people work and some people care a lot about quality. Animators can't always drop vids a week, they edit by the frames sometimes(Basically mili seconds)
Hmmm... I guess I was being a bit bigoted on genre. So that adds a flexibility option.

The consistency status doesn't have to be a specific number but still needs to be consistent. i.e. People like Animators, Drawing artist, Painters, Construction filmers... essentially anyone who's videos are time dependent on what they do, would be free to have wiggle room.

The idea is, consistent posting means you are doing this for real and not as a hobby. If you are doing it as a hobby... then collaboration is probably NOT the best thing for you.

I am doing this as a new career path. So ultimately, the end goal is view time of my videos. Having a dependency on someone who does this as a hobby and asking them to assist with this through collaboration would not be beneficial to both parties.
Hello, i would like to collab:).. My channel is mainly gaming, but I can do a collab on whatever niche as long as it entertains my subs. Thank you, have a good day and God bless:D