Vlog Closed - YouTubers from Sheffield/South Yorkshire?

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Would love to do a collab with another YouTuber close by, if you live in Sheffield, or close by please post down below!
Thanks for reading, look forward to hearing back from some close by YouTubers :D
If you're not interested in collaborating, then still lemme know if you're close by :) It feels like I'm the only one haha
I am from sheffield would love for a collab let me know if your interested Love the videos btw subbed!
Hi there my name is lizzie i do photography atm but it would be great to learn some skills from a vlogger! Would be great to hear from you!
P.s. I love Fall Out Boy! Also live in Sheffield.
Would love to do a collab with another YouTuber close by, if you live in Sheffield, or close by please post down below!
Thanks for reading, look forward to hearing back from some close by YouTubers :D
If you're not interested in collaborating, then still lemme know if you're close by :) It feels like I'm the only one haha

I'll collab with you
I.just got a request to film people's opinions from round Sheffield I wasn't sure I wanted to do that on my own
I'll collab with you
I.just got a request to film people's opinions from round Sheffield I wasn't sure I wanted to do that on my own


Hi and welcome to YTtalk. :)

This thread is from 2015. Please don't bump very old threads - It is likely that some of the people are no longer active here and it is very confusing for those who are. ^^

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Thanks :)
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