[CLOSED] YouTube recommends your videos

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Active Member
Ill start back around 3-4 weeks ago, I uploaded a video which practically didn't get any views. For another reason, I deleted the video, amended it slightly and re uploaded it. Within the first week I received over a 1000 views and gained a fair few subs and had a brilliant reception.
When looking through my analytics weeks later, that videos views majority were brought in from browse features 'YouTube homepage'.

Why did YouTube recommend that video in particular? I have since made a second episode using practically the same tags however the response is minimal in comparison.

Is this like a pot luck? How does YouTube recommending videos work.

If I could get similar views on my most recent videos I'd have a much greater chance of being successful.

Thanks for reading and any help you have

Oh man. If we had the answer to this, we'd all be there.

In the first 24 hours of a video's life, YouTube is taking note about the way viewers interact with it. Are they liking, subscribing, sitting all the way through, watching more videos thereafter, etc...?
Based on this mixture of metrics (which only YouTube engineers really know), the algorithm will either push the video further for you or let it kind of slip into obscurity.

As evidence, check out the article called,
'Reverse Engineering the YouTube Algorithm' on a site called Tubefilter
It shows an exponential relationship between views gathered in the first 24 hours and lifetime views.
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