Claiming When you are Partnered with a network.


Loving YTtalk
So basically I would like to know how claim when you are partnering in network works. For example when you claim what is it like? What is it? What are titles? custom id? Like these. How does it work. If someone could briefly explain I'll be appreciate it!
Here you go :) Click on the image to enlarge it.

Here you go :) Click on the image to enlarge it.


Lol I know where these are located. lol. I just dont know what like these claims do. And what these marks are. Like when you claim the video do you like own the copyright of it? Is it the 3rd third party content thing when you upload?
Lol I know where these are located. lol. I just dont know what like these claims do. And what these marks are. Like when you claim the video do you like own the copyright of it? Is it the 3rd third party content thing when you upload?

what is it like? What is it? What are titles? custom id?
I would like to know how claim when you are partnering in network works.

It sounded like you've never seen Claiming Options and wanted to know what they are.

Is it the 3rd third party content thing when you upload?

No. You're not entering your video into Content ID.
So like basically it means I claim what? lol.

Nothing really. Claiming options was made for the purpose of claiming your content to your Content Manager account which is the networks' anyway so it doesn't mean anything for a partner with a network technically.