CIGARETTE TRICK - CAN YOU DO IT (if you already smoke)?


Ryan of the WWW
Check it out!


( note: I was sick when I filmed this. spent the whole night after i finished it hurling. i know i look sick. i'm better now. :D )
Check it out!

I totally thought you were going to put it in your mouth and then spit it back out, I had a friend who used to do that, while it was still lit he'd put the whole cigarette in his mouth and then he'd pop it right back out and it'd still be lit and in one piece. I've never known how he did that. But that was pretty cool too, I sure as heck couldn't bend a cig and not break it.

Have you tried electronic cigarettes? I smoked for 15 years and it was the only thing that allowed me to quit. It's a little bit of a hassle because if you lose your electronic cigarette or if it breaks you're screwed, but it's helped me quit, maybe it can help you too?
I'll look in to it. I need to quit. I hate smoking... I just can't stop. lol
You don't smoke menthols do you? Cause if you smoke regular cigs, it's hard to find an e cig that matches the same feeling in your throat and chest and gives you that "I'm smoking" sensation you're looking for. But if you smoke menthol (Like I do) They're menthol ones are shockingly similar to a real cigarette in feeling. You will be annoyed that you can't flip it around in your fingers and hold it between two fingers like you could with a real cig, but the MAIN thing you're looking for (if you're like I was) will be there, which is the feeling of the hit in your throat and chest. But what's amazing is after a while of using it for a few months, you start breathing better and feeling better, and you don't really feel like you quit cause you still get that feeling you're looking for. It worked for me, it's worth taking a look at.