Channel Trailer Tips

Not making one. I'm not trying to be mean when I say all this, but if I were to sub to someone it would be 'cause I liked the video where I found them and thought to myself. "Hey! This video is awesome, and so is the person who made it! I want to see more!" First impressions are key, and in my eyes channel trailers just make small channels look like they're crying out. "HEY NOTICE ME I WANT LOVE TOO!"

Again, I'm not trying to be hateful or anything, that' just the way I see it.
Just be yourself, Be exciting, maybe bring out your funny side.
Think about what you would subscribe for and then what other people might want to subscribe for as well.
I haven't made a trailer yet. Everyone says shorter is better like 30 seconds. Also, I think maybe put together clips of your best videos so there's a burst of what you're about? Worth a shot.
Humor is #1 one for lots of people unless you're setting up a fundraiser. NEVER bring humour if you're for example raising money for cancer.
For me if i ever subbed to a girl or guys channel.

1. Voice cant be annoying.
2. For a girl she cant be ugly and your not
3. This is the big one must be gaming. ( if a girl could drop 120 kills on ghosts it would bring me great joy to subscribe)
I'd say write a script explaining your channel, and why I should subscribe. What makes you different, what makes you stand out? Do some simple yet professional looking editing with footage from your other videos. Maybe something like,

"I am Anna, here's who I am, more words describing my channel and videos, and here's just a short sentence about how I make awesome videos on a regular basis!"

--cut to shots of the beginning of your vids, playing literally three seconds, just enough for titles to be said, showing how you cover a broad range of topics and something to surely spike the viewers interest--

"I hope you've found something you'd like to watch, blah blah blah, call-to-action for subscription."

Something like that, maybe?
1. Short. Don't make it a long trailer. 30 seconds should be more than enough!
2. Show who you are, what you do, what you're videos are about.
3. Mention if you have a show or do videos specific days
4. Say they need to subscribe for more
5. ???
6. More subs ;-)
I'm not making a trailer yet. I rather make loads of nice content and maybe in the future I combine my best and funniest shots together to make myself a trailer. But I might change my mind when I find some great trailer ideas that motivate me to do it too.