Channel Trailer - Review Channel

Super Pawsitive

I Love YTtalk
Alright! So I've been having a dilemma since starting my channel. I want to create a channel trailer and a fan finder video for my channel so I can both get people to hopefully subscribe, but get a wider range in terms of audience through fan finder. (If you do not have adblock enabled, you'd see that fan finder vids do play every once in a blue moon.)

I've had a couple of ideas as to begin with, though for the moment I can't really say any of them sound generally appealing or good.

- Reviewing my Channel Joke (I review my own channel, explain why it's good in a funny way)
- Short vlog (It's a vlog. What more can I say?)
- Pick a theme challenge.

So I do need to explain the "Pick a Theme" challenge.

Basically I participated in a contest a while back to gain more exposure to my old channel. The "Pick a Theme" challenge consisted of someone picking a theme for me and having to stick as close to the theme as possible without straying away from it.

So my thoughts are to "Pick a Theme" with my channel trailer and try not to stray from it while still giving my video a taste of what it's like to watch my content.

This is probably the best option I have so far.

What are your thoughts? Any ideas/opinions? I'm open to anything.
If you watched a short vlog, or someone reviewing their own channel, would you subscribe within 5 seconds or be interested to watch more? The way its described, I likely wouldn't, and this means you more than likely will be skipped and they won't convert.

For the Pick a Theme thing, it sounds like a cool challenge, but I wouldn't say its a good trailer choice. Make a trailer that showcases the best parts of your channel in a concise, clear, and awesome manner that will make people convert and subscribe. Close them in the first 5 seconds so they don't skip, then leave more details that keep them wanting more until they've watched it all. Finally, remember these shouldn't be much longer than 60 seconds.
If you watched a short vlog, or someone reviewing their own channel, would you subscribe within 5 seconds or be interested to watch more? The way its described, I likely wouldn't, and this means you more than likely will be skipped and they won't convert.

For the Pick a Theme thing, it sounds like a cool challenge, but I wouldn't say its a good trailer choice. Make a trailer that showcases the best parts of your channel in a concise, clear, and awesome manner that will make people convert and subscribe. Close them in the first 5 seconds so they don't skip, then leave more details that keep them wanting more until they've watched it all. Finally, remember these shouldn't be much longer than 60 seconds.
Well I wasn't planning on making it more than a minute long. The pick a theme option is my most preferred at the momnt. Purely because it helps me keep focus on a geneal idea.

So the main focus is to hook my viewer. Though that's not enough detailed info as to HOW I'm going to hook them. That is when I shall pick my theme. The theme should help the video stay on track to the overall message I would like to deliver.

I would likely make it revolve around my general direction for my channel. Something relating to my overall motive and drive to help the viewer connect to what I strive to achieve on my channel.

I personally believe it will help much more if I can connect with the viewer/appeal to emotion.

That's why I think its the best way to go about it.

Plus, what would I make? A montage of me reviewing games? Something tells me that won't work out so well.