Channel trailer

Nicky Furmage

Well-Known Member
hi everyone...
i need to change my channel trailer but have noticed when i view my channel as a new visitor the pencil icon to edit add/remove the current trailer is not available anymore?
anyone have the same issue and can point me in the right direction?
A visitor would not have the option to edit your channel. You have to visit your channel as yourself in order to edit it. Go to your profile page as "Yourself". Above your Trailer click on the right tab labeled "For new visitor". Now, hover your cursor over the text area to the right of the Trailer and the pencil icon will appear in the top right-hand corner of the text area. Click on it and it will give you the option to replace or change your trailer.
I am using Chrome on my Windows 10 PC and I see the edit pencil. Try opening an Incognito Page and logging into YT there and see if it works. If it does then you need to close chrome and run Ccleaner (or another cleanup utility) to clean out your browser history. Something is stuck on Chrome.