Channel Reviews! Get 'Em While There Hot!

Sir Friendship

I've Got It
In the never ending quest to make awesome videos and at the same time to give back to the yttalk community, I have decided to start doing reviews of your guys channels.
Doesn't matter if you have 1 subscriber or 1,000 subscribers, or if you review video games or talk about bird watching.
:bounce: All channels are welcome! :bounce:
Sooo let me go break this down:
Only channels that are subscribed to me will be reviewed, sorry I don't make the rules, oh wait I do.
Channels will be reviewed in the form of a video review, which will be uploaded every Saturday.
Channels will be reviewed in groups of 5, so 5 one week, 5 the next.
I will keep doing this until I run out of people to review, I will post a reminder on this thread that says which 5 channels will be reviewed that week
This will either start this Saturday or the next one depending on how fast
responses are. Feel free to tell me which video of yours you would like
for me to play in the background during the review.
Hey man this is a pretty awesome idea! I'd love to get a video review from you, I'm already subscribed to you anyways, review away (:
and if you want to play a video of mine, take your pick man, whichever you feel is the most appropriate/ best for the video.
Hey man this is a pretty awesome idea! I'd love to get a video review from you, I'm already subscribed to you anyways, review away :)
and if you want to play a video of mine, take your pick man, whichever you feel is the most appropriate/ best for the video.
will do :)
soo thats 3 so far, I just need two more by saturday who are looking for a review :D

This may just be a one time thing if I can't get anymore people, but fine by me, its just an experiment.
Sure. I think I saw a Willow video recently so that means I'm subscribed. Plus, it'll help fill out the 5 faster which means other people can get limelight, which is good for them (and thee.)
No, I never give up haha. I was just extremely busy, apologies, I will make the video soon and it will be uploaded by the end of the week, it would be great to get a 5th, but heyy what can you do.