Channel review


Well-Known Member

Ok, I'm about to set up shop and settle into a routine :)
Before i do, i'd just like to finish tweaking my channel.
First, should i bother getting a background?
Should i change my channel tittle and description and would a different channel layout and/or colour scheme look better?
And shoud i list playlists, videos from a certain playlist or newest videos?

Any other bits of help would be greatly appriciated :)
If you'd like to link me to any example channels (maybe even yours ;) ) to show me what you mean please do :D

Many thanks
Oh hi there again. Since you have a custom dp, I'm going to assume that you know of someone or you yourself can create custom images. So yes to the background. I would just change the channel to FusedFulkron, after all that's how your introduced and its your video's. I would change the description, explain type of games you play/plan to play and the type of video's (vlogs/LP's) and that be the first thing viewers see. I think playlists is a good idea around the 25 video mark into series e.t.c and use notes to help people navigate between your vids. I'm not an expert and nor do I boast a massive channel, but that's what I see on the most popular channels and its what I'm aiming to accomplish on my channel. Good luck :)
Yeah, I'm not great, but i can knock some decent images together :)
And thanks, i think it's just a bit more branding and organisation and i'd have a killer channel. Then all i'd need is good videos lol ;)