Can you see the retention of a specific subscriber?


Well-Known Member
I know that I have picked up a handful of subscribers that did so in the hopes of getting a sub back. Some of these people comment sometimes (very standard comments) and I wonder if they just watch the first few seconds of a video and therefore hurting my rankings. I haven't yet seen anything that could tell me that, but was hoping maybe there was something I didn't know about that could tell me the retention rate of a specific subscriber so that I could block them from the channel? Thanks!!
"A view is a view, no matter how small" - Dr. George W. Trump 1812.

No but in all seriousness it may hurt your rankings, but I think it would be worse to block specific viewers because of low retention. That completely eliminates the possibility of them ever becoming a dedicated subscriber, whereas if you just leave them, maybe a future video will grab their attention!
I don't think that this is a thing sadly. As cool and helpful as that would be.
Darn! I knew it would be a long shot, but was hoping there might be a way!!

"A view is a view, no matter how small" - Dr. George W. Trump 1812.

No but in all seriousness it may hurt your rankings, but I think it would be worse to block specific viewers because of low retention. That completely eliminates the possibility of them ever becoming a dedicated subscriber, whereas if you just leave them, maybe a future video will grab their attention!
I wish that were the case, but it wouldn't apply here. The people I am referring to are sub4sub people. They will almost never watch a whole video or any of it. They subscribed purely with the hopes that I will sub back. If they watch a video, it's a very small bit and as far as I am aware (and someone correct me if I am wrong!), by the doing that will tell the youtube algorithms that the video is not interesting enough to viewers and may rank lower in the long run.
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Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a function that YouTube has implemented in for us to see these single subscribers :(. I know the one's you are talking about, it's blatantly obvious that they just click on your video, paste in the text and leave.
Unfortunately, I don't believe there is a function that YouTube has implemented in for us to see these single subscribers :(. I know the one's you are talking about, it's blatantly obvious that they just click on your video, paste in the text and leave.