Can Someone Review My Gaming Channel?

Heya...I'm not a gamer, but I'm going through the review thread right now :) Your voice is pretty sounds like you have confidence when you're speaking. There's not a lot of 'ums and ahs' which is great. The sound is clear..and the music/sounds are in the background.
Your thumbnails look great, and your banner is nice as well.
good channel man! its hard to find the old type of cod commentators now days :D keep it up!
Not a fan of the banner at all, but the profile logo itself works. It looks like the banner was thrown together as an afterthought because you didn't really know what to put there (not trying to be a jerk, just giving the first impression I felt looking at it). The commentaries work well and you seem to be steadily gaining traction and subs so don't stop whatever you are doing :)
Not a fan of the banner at all, but the profile logo itself works. It looks like the banner was thrown together as an afterthought because you didn't really know what to put there (not trying to be a jerk, just giving the first impression I felt looking at it). The commentaries work well and you seem to be steadily gaining traction and subs so don't stop whatever you are doing :)
Thanks for the criticism, i'll get some more feedback on the Banner to see what others think. And to find out what key things I should change[DOUBLEPOST=1394153815,1394153727][/DOUBLEPOST]
good channel man! its hard to find the old type of cod commentators now days :D keep it up!
Heya...I'm not a gamer, but I'm going through the review thread right now :) Your voice is pretty sounds like you have confidence when you're speaking. There's not a lot of 'ums and ahs' which is great. The sound is clear..and the music/sounds are in the background.
Your thumbnails look great, and your banner is nice as well.
Thanks for the responses, they really keep me motivated to do more with my channel.
Have a nice day.;)