Other Calling all the games'reviewers for future collaborations


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Before you continue reading:
As "Game Reviewer" I mean a channel that uploads MOSTLY game reviews-retrospectives, or related stuff (videogames'news podcasts, top tens etc).​

So, greetings! It's Conso Here. Some time ago I had another channel (Conso1727), but after that I moved to this new channel, VGP. I think that to expand my watchersbase, and in the meantime also others'people, it is a good idea to do some collaborations. Though, I want to be sure the people I'm collaborating with do similar stuff than VGP's stuff, let's plays are really not my kind of thing. So, if you are interested, let me know here, I will take a look at your channel, and in case I will contact you here, on YTTalk, so that we can arrange something.

My requirements are not very strict:
-16 or older (18 and above is even better)
-Decent microphone (I use a 15€ tabletop USB one)
-Must speak understandable english (A bit of accent is welcome, just not too strong, my Spaghetti one is already enough :I )
-10+ subscribers (much like the ones of VGP)

(In case you don't satisfy one of these points, don't worry! Post anyways, I will check your channel in any case, and if I like your stuff I will contact you)

Hope to hear from somebody, it's hard to find game reviewers nowadays.
Cheers, Conso
What are the rules around here for bumps?

Also, I can't believe it is so hard to make a game review.