

Has anyone heard of or used this site? I've just signed up and am awaiting sign in details.

Hopefully I posted this in the right section. I guess with my post count I'm going to look like I'm advertising this site! Not sure how to persuade you that I'm not! This is probably making it worse!
If this is the wrong spot, a website admin / op will move it to the right one for you so don't worry. :)
nope never use the website before, is it to do with Youtube partnership? I've heard of BigFrame but yer never heard of them before.
As far as I can gather they connect up producers and advertisers so you can place products in your videos for revenue. I did a google search and it didnt come up with anything useful in regards to reviews etc.
Do you read all the fine print from them before signing up? This is a common mistake and this gets people annoyed if they signed up to a network that they discover from research that it is a mediocre or crap network, getting stuck for a year or two.