Br00tal Reviews YOU.


No Mercy For The Weak
Okay, there might be some stuff i want to clarify here.
If you don't want a brutally honest review of your content, this is no place for you.
If you want a review, just say that you want one and i'll list you here in order.
And i wont hold back anything, just so you know.
While I am still new (only 4 vids but with more already uploaded under the scheduler) I would like a review of what I have already done. Just to know where I stand and how I am doing so far :)

Should be a quick one for you :P

Thanks in advance.
That intro f*****g got me.
The the pegi thing.
Title is goddamn misleading, you choose very hard, the title says hard mode. Seriously?
Add an annotation that takes you directly to the action, as a viewer, you get really goddamn bored watching a cutscene or a dialogue.
Watched 5 minutes, stopped because my back started to hurt.
Your voice is quite dull too.
Make a new series, of something more with action where you could talk more. There would be no way that i'll 20 min dishonored, i even dont like the game.

Also, you are on the forums.