Blank Custom ID when claiming videos - zoomintv


Active Member
Hi all,

I'm new to this forum but I'm requesting some help for anyone who's been with zoomintv for a while now.
I've been partner with zoomintv for 3 months now, and when I claim my video, there is always an automatic generated custom ID for the video for the claiming option.
The problem is that now whenever I go into the claiming options for any new videos I uploaded, the custom ID is blank. Do I need to enter in a custom ID or is it fine to leave it blank? I wasn't given a custom ID to enter in.
Also I emailed zoomintv about this problem, but they haven't replied me for 3 days now.
I have check the zoomintv 'claiming videos user manual', it says to leave custom ID alone, but the screenshot they provided had a filled out custom ID.
So now I'm stuck as I don't dare to claim any currently uploaded videos in case I run into problem later. I don't have any copyright or content id claims on any of the video I trying to claim, so its not that problem. Anyone with information about this problem, could you help me.

Idk about zoomintv but for FS, I was told never to touch the claiming custom ID. Most networks are like that. The only time I actually do is with a sub-network my gaming channel is with.
the custom ID is actually the string of random characters from the url of that video
i.e. watch?v=[randomcharactershere]
don't worry about it and you'd better don't touch it
Thanks for the replies everyone, I will just go ahead and claim my videos without the custom IDs.
By the way my partner support hasn't even replied to my email yet.
At least I get answers and help way faster here.

I was recently also seeing that change on some of my videos when claiming it.
Sometimes it has a random numbers there as usual (in custom ID field), sometimes its blank.
This is not something about your ZoominTV but its same on other Networks too recently (at least for me).
I was guessing what to do with it, but at the end i left it as it is (some has ID, some are blank)

Maybe Youtube changing something....