Black Ops 2 story runthrough


Lord of the Melons
hey i was wandering if you guys could check out our channel we've started a runthrough of call of duty blops 2, we're really just trying to start up and we need alot more feedback as we really want to improve at commentary.
Hey bud, just checked out the channel. the images of you guys on the side cracked me up! Nice clear audio on the Blops 2 vid and good quality footage. However the only issue I can see is the one that most YouTubers have (including myself) is length of the video. at 19 mins that's asking a lot from your audience who may be on the move or are just looking for highlights. You can overcome this by putting annotations in with links to specific things, or you can edit the video down to cut out the filler, this will fit in with the theme of Blops2 (high action, stylish, etc).

Beyond this, great vid, you both seem like pleasant guys and I've subscribed on that basis alone.

Check out the vid below as an example of quick cuts. (not a perfect one by any means) but nevertheless.

Hello Retr0mance, thanks for your feedback. I have just watched your video and I can see your points about cutting down. We can definitely apply this to our Red Dead vids as the first one was just shy of half an hour long. As for Black Ops 2, the annotations is something we're going to do. If we do some multiplayer coverage then we can apply the cutting down technique there as well.

Your video is actually the first Borderlands 2 content I've seen. All I can say is that erected Sand Sciffs made Border buddies great for me to watch as it had me cracking up. I look forward to seeing more content from you. Maybe we can even do some collab work at some point.
Watermelonr0fl (James)
Cheers James! Glad you liked the vid! I would definitely be interested in a Red Dead collab as I do another series on Red Dead Revolver
Cheers James! Glad you liked the vid! I would definitely be interested in a Red Dead collab as I do another series on Red Dead Revolver

I watched the first few of that, I had forgotten about the previous Red Dead games.

Myself, Joe and Will play Redemption on the PS3. Am I jumping the gun by assuming you are an xbox owner by your Halo 4 content?
You are correct sir! Xbox owner and unashamed :P My firends got a ps3 to lend for capture so I'm sure that we could arrange a meetup on it!
Haha, fair play to you. I'm glad to hear the option is there. We plan on doing Red Dead Redemption for the next couple of months so when you can get the PS off your friend let us know and we'll set it up.

The question is do we use this forum to carry on communicating or would you rather use some other means? We all have Facebooks/Skype and of course the YT channel :)