Other Black Ops 2 gamers needed!


I've Got It
Hey guys I am making a new channel called Zombie Prey, which will have only zombie gameplay. Anyone interested post below! :)
It doesn't matter. If you have a PS3, you can make vids for the channel both with me and by yourself. For other platforms you can also make zombies vids, and all you have to do it email it to us!

Would you like to make vids for the channel?
Ahh... You mean I'll send a "zombie" footage to you and you will actually publish it on your channel? w/ commentary or not :b?
Yea you can send it to us with or without commentary(your choice), and we will publish it. Would you like to make vids for us? The only requirement to join is that you must have 720p vids.
Yea you can send it to us with or without commentary(your choice), and we will publish it. Would you like to make vids for us? The only requirement to join is that you must have 720p vids.

Check out my channel and you will see some nazi zombie gameplay there. feel free to take some long as you credit me. I am a partner so I wont put any copywrite strikes on your account as I have given you the rights to use it :) long as I am credited :)
Nah the only vids that we make are exclusive;for our channel only. The video creator still gets full credit, along with a link to their YouTube channel(if applicable).
We still need more people working on this channel! Please comment below if you're interested. There are currently 4 channels that are going to collaborate on this channel!
once i get my new recording device for christmas i will! my brother actually broke my hd pvr but once i got my roxio hd gaming edition i will definitely want to be a part of this! just pm on youtube!