Best Partnerships For a Small Channel?


Super Poster
I really am not aiming to grow massive but I really hope maybe to achieve 1000 subs and leave it at that. If I do make that I will feel amazed! But as a small channel I would just like to know if you guys have looked into it out know what are the best partnerships for a small channel like me?

I have 294 subs at the moment with several videos over 500 views and most at 100. I also have a video that nearly has 10k views and I have a total of 21k views. Please feel free to have a discussion with this but please don't start arguing as I just want your opinion!

Thanks For Reading :)
You should try RPM, Full Screen or CreatorX. I'm partnered with RPM and my channel is about your size
I sorta mean like support whys! I don't care about money and stuff![DOUBLEPOST=1382403628,1382403608][/DOUBLEPOST]
You should try RPM, Full Screen or CreatorX. I'm partnered with RPM and my channel is about your size
Thanks! I will have a look at them :)
finally me and you fully agree LOL
Ya but... I don't know. It doesn't feel right... I better say something stupid that sounds like I know what I'm talking about. YOUR CHANNEL IS ONLY BIG BECAUSE YOU HAVE AN AUDIENCE!
No partnership is a good partnership till its worth it. Probably like 50k - 100k views per month. XD

This is kinda true. Despite what people think, there really aren't a ton of perks that come with a partnership besides money. You can get custom thumbnails, monetization options (strict ones, but still), and other various things without them. I think it's best to wait, in all honesty. If your channel does take off, you'll want to have a partnership with a bigger network, since smaller ones usually rip you off money-wise (*cough* RPM *cough*). I would wait it out and see if you grow some more.
I think you might be under the impression partnerships grow your channel. (I used to think this as well) But the sad truth is they don't actually have a direct link to this :/.