Background Music

Frontier Forge

Well-Known Member
For other makers/DIY'ers out there, does having background music in your videos while you're working seem to help or hurt retention? Kinda curious.
i can't imagine that it would hurt retention! i watch a few DIY channels and commentary definitely captures my interest more, sometimes it feels a little bit awkward if there's no background music at all. oftentimes i've found myself clicking off if there's just silence. i hope this helps a bit :)
Thank you for the reply. I've been kind of overhauling my channel, and just recently added background music to a video, but wasn't sure if I liked it or not. Before was just straight hammering. Also did some different camera angles as I was working.
If you don't have a voice over, definitely use background music! You don't have to mute your main clip, the hammering is a big part of forging after all, but background music creates an atmosphere and (in my opinion) helps retention.
low level background music won't offend most and /or they won't notice. It can be good for hiding noise your microphone recorded in the background (traffic etc) that you may not have been able to edit out afterwards. If you strategically get the music to start/stop at appropriate times and capture the mood intended for your video thats the harder/skilled part.
it kinda depends on the video for me, I don't use background music in all my video's but its a good tool to have. keep the volume low and the music tasteful and I think you will find it to be a good tool. it can also be great for burring low level back ground noises as well. cars driving by outside the shop or iv had issues before where maybe I set the tripod up on the same work bench I am working on and every little sound of movement on the work bench transfers to the camera add a little low level music and it completely buries that. its also great for sped up or montage sequences where you cant really use the original audio because it would be to chopped up or chimpmucks.