audio podcasts on youtube

Weekend Noobs

If the week gets you down then join us and unwind
Hey hey,

So me and my mate have got together many times and just recorded an hours worth of conversation about different topics. Some very random, some hillarious and some we touch on some serious topics and express ideas and views. We started doing this just for something completely different to the normal silly lets plays etc.

Would this be interesting? Should it be broken down into parts? Or as one long audio log? We were mainly wanting it to be something you listen too more than watch so you can have it playing on your phone whilst you do something else or on the pc whilst you play and do what ever you do on the pc lol
Would this be something people are interested in?
We havnt uploaded any yet cus my PC is dead but thinking of uploading soon via HIS pc instead!
It's sort of been done before. There is a Podcast called HelloInternet by CGP Grey and Brady Haran. They have uploaded theirs to YouTube among other sites. Their Podcast is more structured around a few more serious topics. It's pretty much a two dudes talking format.

If it's just going to be random stuff, I would try to break it down by time.