Ask me anything

Benny Luo

Active Member
Hey Guys!

I wanted to start this thread for anyone we is seeking advice in regards to branding/marketing their channel. I've worked with some big names in the new media space in the past including David Choi, Billboard Magazine, Simple Pickup, and more. Feel free to ask any questions here and I'll do my best to respond. If the question is good enough, I may feature it on my site

Fire away!
What are 4 factors that you consider makes a 'great YouTuber'.
1. Passion

Before you do ANYTHING on YouTube (or life in general). You must find the niche market you want to target. I feel that a lot of aspiring YouTubers have this odd desire to just gain a bunch of subscribers and views. They'll do things like "sub for sub" or go extreme measures to promote their channel (like spamming a bigger YouTuber over Twitter). The truth is, if you're content is good and you're able to share it with a small group, it will grow and people will naturally subscribe. The model for getting your video to "go viral" on YouTube is what we marketers call the "bottom-up" effect. In this case, you are targeting a small niche group and expanding your audience from there with hopes that it will appeal to the larger YouTube audience in the long run. So bottom line: do what you love and share the stuff you truly love through your videos and it will pay off in the long run.

2. Authenticity

Authenticity (or the perception of authenticity) is HUGE when it comes to presenting your content on YouTube. In the era of social media, audiences want to be able to reach out and form a relationship with their influencers. The whole corporate front doesn't usually work in this space. You need to have personality and be able to engage with your audience. Take Rebecca Black for example, obviously she isn't a great single and her song was horrendous. However her truly believing that she was a great singer showed her authenticity. I've interviewed a lot of talents for NewMediaRockstars and all of them really stress this point.

3. Persistence

It takes a lot of hard work and patience if you want to make it in this industry. MysteryGuitarMan was sleeping on the floor and living off of instant noodles for almost 2 years before he made his big break on YouTube. If you want to be a star on YouTube, you need to make it your number 1 priority and don't quit until you get there. There is no other option.

4. Consistency

Having a schedule where you consistently put out content is very crucial to YouTube and any other medium you use. It reminds people to check out your site and continue to come back. Jenna Marbles always uploads her newest video every week on a Wednesday so her fans always know to check back around that time.

Hope that helps!