Ask Me Anything + shoutout!


Super Poster
Hey everyone, your friendly neighbourhood Youtuber here XD

So I'm thinking of making a Q&A video in the next little while, depending on how many questions I get, either this week or the next or so...

Also, your channel will be mentioned when I read your questions :D

Questions can be about anything, really XD

Thanks :)

Almost forgot...ask me anything with just a few limitations, as in I don't really feel comfortable answering politics, race, religion, etc in public but just about anything else is fair game :D
Whats the best thing you feel you've ever done?
If you could change an aspect of YouTube, what would it be?
One place you'd love to visit?
What are your plans for the future?
What TV shows do you watch regularly?
Do you have any interests or hobbies outside of youtube? What are they?
What would you do if you found out aliens have been living on Earth among humans for hundreds of years?
This is pretty awesome everyone! If anyone has anymore questions, I'd need them in soon because I'm planning on shooting this tomorrow haha. Just a heads up :)