Are you in control of your channel?


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When you sign a contract, are you in complete control of your channel? What about once the contract is over? I remember reading an article online about Ray William Johnson and the problems he was having with Makers Studios. He ended up halting production on the "Your Favorite Martian" channel. I don't want this to happen to me so I was wondering if there is a possibility that a network can claim your channel and possibly take it away or force you to seize production on it? Also, can you switch networks once your contract is over? Will you keep all rights to your channel? Just curious and not well informed on this topic, which is why I ask the YTTalk community. Thanks!
Yes you are complete control of your channel when you sign a contract and different networks have different lengths on how long they aspect you to be with them but once the contract is over it's over after that when you decide to go you can you run the channel all the way. I would advise any and everyone who decides to join a network read the contract throughly and make sure you are comfortable with the decision of joining. I hope i helped you:)
Yes you are complete control of your channel when you sign a contract and different networks have different lengths on how long they aspect you to be with them but once the contract is over it's over after that when you decide to go you can you run the channel all the way. I would advise any and everyone who decides to join a network read the contract throughly and make sure you are comfortable with the decision of joining. I hope i helped you:)
yeah, thanks! I feel somewhat relieved, but like you said, it is extremely important to read the contract carefully, which I will be doing if I ever decide to apply for a partnership.:)
The fact of the matter is you MUST READ every aspect of a contract, possibly have a lawyer look it over. That way there is no way of you being cheated, and you know the exact premises of your contract.
yeah, thanks! I feel somewhat relieved, but like you said, it is extremely important to read the contract carefully, which I will be doing if I ever decide to apply for a partnership.:)
Just make sure you do what the other user stated after me as well because it was very helpful and i wish you the best of luck!:)
It all depends on the language of your contract. I would presume that the vast majority of Network Agreements state that the Network is responsible for providing advertisers for the Channel. There are some clauses regarding their authority to ask you to remove certain videos though. However, not withstanding any specific language in the contract, your YouTube channel is yours. You just turned over the monetization part to the Network.
Yes you are complete control of your channel when you sign a contract and different networks have different lengths on how long they aspect you to be with them but once the contract is over it's over after that when you decide to go you can you run the channel all the way. I would advise any and everyone who decides to join a network read the contract throughly and make sure you are comfortable with the decision of joining. I hope i helped you:)

This and also if you have a lawyer let them take a look at your contract. If you ever decide to join a network makesure its a win situation for you and nothing short of that.

P.s tonio im loving your new profile pic haha
Not everyone can afford lawyers, expecially starters, with no income and small channels...
(I know its not that good when you need to sign contract without lawyers advice, but thats the way it is unfortunately)

If you can't afford it, then make sure to take enough time to research a lot about the Network you will be trying to contract and read feedbacks from others and do not rush.
The contract will say how much ownership you keep over your channel. All the ones I've read let me keep full control and ownership over my channel, but make sure you read the contract. You never know when a network sees an opportunity to screw a random YouTuber.