Are those channels legit ? If not, have to report !!!

Vu Nguyen

Active Member
Hello there,

Check out is channel : KhoaiLangVEVO

This channel has a lot of US & UK, even Kpop music videos. What he does is make subtitles for his videos. And he is making money from that? (pretty sure he is partner because he has banner)

That is so easy to make money from video that he doesn't own, this make not only me, but also all of us - legit Youtubers- feel we are cheated, because we have to work hard to make our own videos.

He has a lot of featured channel too, but I'm sure they are all his, he just made some backup channels.
If it has vevo in the title he has a big company with a alot of licencing trust me when i say vevo wil have imposters baned to quick to even upload
I think the VEVO title is named just for attracting. This channel has nothing to do with VEVO

hmm i just looked at it.. quality content and stuff could have vevo partnership... hard as hell to get but he has like i said quality content and views and subs
No. All the VEVO channel out there like RihannaVEVO, JustinTimberlakeVEVO,... are claimed by VEVO - the mother network. This one claimed by a strange network, and had nothing to do with VEVO.