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Hello, and thank you for taking time to read this post.
I have come to realize that a lot of my co-workers find my video 'boring' and tell me that I should 'just quit'. I tell myself that they are not a part of the demographic that my video's are designed for, and I move on.
But I would like to know, is there anything wrong with my video? The first 72 hours I was up to 17 subscribers, and it has been there ever since. Is there something in my video that needs to be pointed out? I think it is good but I am completely bias. I want all of the constructive criticism you can throw at me. I am not advertising here, I simply need to know what is up with my videos. Next video will be up monday if you would like to see if I use any of the advice you guys give me.
I have come to realize that a lot of my co-workers find my video 'boring' and tell me that I should 'just quit'. I tell myself that they are not a part of the demographic that my video's are designed for, and I move on.
But I would like to know, is there anything wrong with my video? The first 72 hours I was up to 17 subscribers, and it has been there ever since. Is there something in my video that needs to be pointed out? I think it is good but I am completely bias. I want all of the constructive criticism you can throw at me. I am not advertising here, I simply need to know what is up with my videos. Next video will be up monday if you would like to see if I use any of the advice you guys give me.