App Nana Partnership Questions

So I have recently been asked into partnership by app nana, a website on ios devices to earn money. I was wondering if anybody could just give me some helpful information and like a run down on them. I just want to make sure that I know as much about them as possible.

Never heard of them how long is there contract whats the % split ?
They didn't really say how long I have but their specifications for payment is a CPA (cost per action) They will give me 1$ for every user or account made onto their IOS site from someone that has used my link + used my referral code in the app/site. They said that for 2 months I have an unlimited cap and after that I can only make ( idk if I'm allowed to specify) but less that $5,oo1 a month
Then why not join since they are not partnering your channel :) i would say try it out :)
I think I'm going to but to make a decent profit im gunna need more views so I'll have to work on that and they wanted me to hide a few of my other ios videos for the 2 month exclusive period.