Comedy Anyone with a kid friendly channel interested in a paid collaboration/sponsorship?

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YTtalk Mad
Hey, everyone. I'm interested in doing a collaboration with some folks that have a channel aimed at kids under 10. I'm not super picky about what it's about. Take a look at my videos and see what we do. If you just sent me raw footage of you doing pretty much anything - gamers, toy reviewers, animators, family blog, etc, I'll have the puppet basically make it a back and forth go between where it looks like you're interacting with the puppet. See my videos for an example:) You could write the script, give me talking points, or just leave it at my discretion and see what I come up with.

I'd create a 3-5 minute video from 3-5 minutes of raw footage and send it back to you. I wouldn't plug my channel except right in the intro when I introduce the puppet saying some like, "Hi, professor puppet from Kaylee bug Tv here today with (insert your name here). I'd just create the best video for you that I could. And then leave it to you to plug my channel with an annotation/shoutout at the end.

I recognize I'm a new channel and a smaller channel and that the big channels get hit up all the times for collaboration. We could talk through the details but I'm willing to sponser your channel to make it worth while.

Just to throw out some numbers (would want to discuss details further through email - how closely aligned is your audience with mine etc) but I'd be willing to do something like the following.

$50 - channel averaging 10k views per video on up to $1,000 to a channel averaging 100k views per video.

If Evan Tube HD is hanging out on the forums or someone else with a kid friendly mega channel that's getting 500k views per video or something, I'd certainly love to chat and think we could work something out:)

So to summarize - I'd do most of the work, create what's hopefully a really funny cool video for your channel, and pay you quite a bit more than you'd make just off of YouTube for that video, and of course, you still get to make what you make from YouTube on it.


p.s. I don't think I'm violating any YT talk guidlines with this post but if I am my apologies in advance.
Hi there,
One of my channel is about baby as well, but this baby is still so little, just 3 months old. :giggle::giggle:
Due to this channel is newly open (less than a month) I do not have good viewer and subscriber count.
But I think you can look at the channel and see if it is on your target or not. :)
oh i get it you want to spotlight our channel with puppets. i dont think offering money would help, if you cant get 10k then whats the point of it and there is a 1 in a million chance that a big youtuber would help.
oh i get it you want to spotlight our channel with puppets. i dont think offering money would help, if you cant get 10k then whats the point of it and there is a 1 in a million chance that a big youtuber would help.
Good point. I think I'm hoping to find someone that treats their YouTube channel like a business that has multiple revenue streams. I work in the cosmetics space and I know one of the biggest YouTube bloggers in cosmetics (I think she's around 5 million subs) and she done video reviews for our company before. I know from her that a lot of the big YouTubers make more from product endorsements than they do from YouTube and so I'm hoping someone will look at this as like a product endorsement but instead of endorsing a product their endorsing our channel by doing a shoutout/collaboration. I would ask the girl know but there's just no real overlap as I'm looking for kids to subscribe. Anyway, thanks for the feedback and good luck with your channel!
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