Anyone do a Gorilla Campaign before!?


YTTalk Ramen Knight
I was just curious as to what it was like. How was it received by your audience. Do you think it detracted or maybe distracted from the actual video?

I just wanted to know because I am thinking about doing one!

feel free to sound off
I've done two gorilla campaigns and my viewers didn't seem to say anything haha. I don't think they cared really.
I've done two gorilla campaigns and my viewers didn't seem to say anything haha. I don't think they cared really.
interesting. see, my main concern was that my viewers would just really not like the whatever it was that I was promoting. idk. I'll try one and see how that goes!
I did a gorilla campaign and fullscreen emailed me saying the views were not legit. I deleted the video and didn't care must. My views were legit and I am never going to do gorilla campaign anymore. This is the only downside they have.