Anybody with the same growth and audience (120k views a month and 500 new subs) willing to do promo?


High quality gaming guides!
Sorry, couldn't fit it all in the title.

My name is Olli and I run a kinda popular Youtube channel that has been having a nice growth. 120k views a month and 450 subs. I'm looking for someone with at least 1000 subs and a similar growth to do some cross-promotion. Whether it be tweeting each other, sub boxxing, spotlights, just all that good stuff!

Please leave a comment if you are eligible for this offer :)
Hey I have 1,525 subscribers and almost 200,000 views. I do comedy videos and i'm interested in cross-promoting with you. I can tweet you, box 4 box, shoutouts and stuff like that if u want :)
Let me know.
Hey I have 1,525 subscribers and almost 200,000 views. I do comedy videos and i'm interested in cross-promoting with you. I can tweet you, box 4 box, shoutouts and stuff like that if u want :)
Let me know.
Thanks for the offer but I'd like to do it with more gaming-orientated channels that have a schedule up and running. Nice videos though!!