Any suggestions or tips about my channel design?


I Love YTtalk
What do you guys think about my channel design? Anything that could be done better? :)

Also, what do you think about the intro of my 3 latest videos? :)

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated ;)
First off the background is nice but it's going to be changing to the one layout soon! So get a plan for that.
Secondly the intro is really cool and well thought out. I like the design of it but typically with intros we suggest them to be 5-10 seconds in length. You'rs hits 15. If it were me I'd make it a little more quick but that is all personal preference.
The Intro is cool but I'd advise somehow chopping 3-4 seconds off of it, other than that though the intro itself is good.
Thanks for the quick feedback already! :D It's much appreciated ;)

As trimming the intro goes, I guess that I could try to speed the entire thing up a bit? :)
Thanks for the quick feedback already! :D It's much appreciated ;)

As trimming the intro goes, I guess that I could try to speed the entire thing up a bit? :)

Yeah thats what I thought when I saw it, speed it up so it lasts between 8-12 seconds :)
Lol, what intro did you guys see? The one I saw was at least a minute and a half... 0_o

EDIT: Might I mention that your Minecraft Pixel art, the latest one, is really impressive. Long, but impressive.