Any Ideas for topics to talk about in our podcast?

Gay rights
Zombie apocalypse
What games do you play?
iPhone or android?
Your mom jokes
Chuck Norris jokes
stupid YouTube videos
How many Times a day do you sharpen your pencil?
I'm such a boss that I....
Why is the sky blue?
Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Ever got into a fight
And more.....
Gay rights
Zombie apocalypse
What games do you play?
iPhone or android?
Your mom jokes
Chuck Norris jokes
stupid YouTube videos
How many Times a day do you sharpen your pencil?
I'm such a boss that I....
Why is the sky blue?
Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Ever got into a fight
And more.....
^ I'd listen to this podcast.