Other Any Holiday Collabs this year?


Youtube Reviewer
I was once part of a collab with several others in this epic video and I'm kinda surprised it's not more of an annual thing, or that other people aren't doing it. Is anyone else doing a video like this? It's basically saying who you are, what channel you're from and wishing the people of Youtube land a happy holiday season in your own way. My channel is obviously not big enough to be the main figurehead for this, but I wouldn't mind cameo-ing in anyone else's video/channel that has a similar 'every Youtuber that wants to take part can collab' kinda thing. Here was the video for an example, and I'm honestly surprised Skenkee didn't do a 2013 version. I still remember that fear we had back in the day that the world was going to end in 2013...lol.
